help there is a BC seeds and a BC bud depot


Well-Known Member
has anyone delt with the BC bud depot they seem to carry the old Elite Genetics gear that i miss so much since he had to go on vacation

is there anything anyone can tell me other then hearsay on BC bud depot good or bad will be appreciated

much thanks

Happy holidays to you and family


Well-Known Member
BC Bud depot is OK.The only problem I have with them is that they take a long time to send you your beans.I waited about a month or so to get mine.The genetics are great so I've heard, but haven't had time to use my beans because of space limitations and I needed to start and couldn't wait any longer for my beans.You will get your beans, but you will wait for them.So take it any way you want.If you can be patient then order from them cause they have killer strains.