Help selecting a grow medium please


Well-Known Member
I've failed in my first attempt at indoor growing and I am convinced it's because of poor medium selection. I was using hydroponix potting soil in the black and purple bag.

Other variables of my setup include a temp of 70* with plenty of airflow and the humidity is a steady 50%. My plants are under 19,200 lumens of CFL 6500k "cool" lights to Veg. I dont overwater, and the lights are 2 to 3 inches away from the plants so the plants arent burning yet after 9 or 10 days they just turn brow/yellow and die on me. My water is ph'd at 6.5.

Today I went and picked up some Miracle Grow Gardening soil as it was tested best on my PH meter. I've heard horror stories about Miracle Grow.

My question is, whats a good medium for indoor growing and where can I get it? My only options here are Loews and Home Depot and all they seem to carry are the Miracle Grow brands. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Well before it sounds like your problem was that the PH was too high. 5.5-6.0 not exceeding. As far as medium lot of people love MG and say it excellent to grow in and other say stay the hell away from the stuff. I started my soil grow in some Black Gold Seedling soil (got it at a gardening shop). Then went to this Expert Gardening crap, but i got some Advanced Nutrients Sensi nutes i am using now. Just waiting to sex last one then i will be repotting in some Fox Farm. Well here is AD's website Advanced Nutrients | Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Systems - Grow Lights, Organic Nutrient Products and more… maybe you will see somethig you like. Lots go with the Fox Farm, i went with the Sensi (but FF soil cause Sensi dosen't have any).

Hope this helps, if not just go with the MG.

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
Go to someplace that you can get a fair amount of perlite...and a little vermiculite. Then make hempy buckets. Don't worry bout Ph or any thing else. Almost error free growing with great results.

If you want more info on a hempy, let me know, and I'll post it up.

You won't have to lug souil in your house anymore, and you don't have to worry about a bunch of runoff in your house...the list goes on.



Well-Known Member
Go to someplace that you can get a fair amount of perlite...and a little vermiculite. Then make hempy buckets. Don't worry bout Ph or any thing else. Almost error free growing with great results.

If you want more info on a hempy, let me know, and I'll post it up.

You won't have to lug souil in your house anymore, and you don't have to worry about a bunch of runoff in your house...the list goes on.


I'm very interested in this, please post the info on this Jack. Thank you. I have never heard of this!


Well-Known Member
personally, mix of earthworm castings, then foxfarm. 1/2 and half of each the ocean forest is pretty much the shit, no nutes needed untill the flowering stage. i picked up some 5-12-6 i think... somthing easy. i can veg for 20 or so days and have some 21-22inchers, bag seeds, ready to be hit with a hps for another 20 or so days. soil sucks as a medium, if you really wanna go big or go home, go with hydro. its faster!

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
Below is a copy and paste from one of Hempys(designer) posts. Keep in mind that different mediums can be used, as I have a couple with perlite: coco chips, and perlite: turface, and also straight coco chips. I don't use vermiculite as I hate the shit. But as long as you use something that can wick the water up ansd doesn't get too compacted. I don't recommend any peat based materials...just because peat can really throw your ph off.

Here is a copy and paste from one of the authors posts.

The Hempy Bucket


Hempy Bucket
Hi every one i thort id add this system of growing i use and have used from the erly to mid 80s , As most of you that know me will all ready know that im a belive in simplicity and things that work and i only realy state facts that i have experencet from hands on.

I like the hempy bucket becouse of its simplicity and the price of the system (ITS FREE ) to make and has no moveing parts that can fail and once the plant has started its root system you can basicly water and forget it for 2 days or 3 depending on temps and you can grow eny strain from sativa to indica in it .

I basicly got the idear from my first hydro kit i ever got that was a tamato hydro kit and i found it realy easy to understand ,It was basicly an aquponic set up and the guy i had got it from i whent back a few years later telling him about my creation and how i got it from his idear and the look on his face and smile sed it all ,Iv spoken to a few people in the hydro industry about it and they all tell me it wont work it will couse root rot so on well there all rong becouse this method works and they say a picture is worth a 100 wards right lol.

I AM NOT SAYING THIS METHOD IS THE BEST BUT What i am saying is its a option and a easy cheep way to grow hydroponicly and nothing more, I have tryed a lot of methods and have all ways gone back to this.

To make a hempy bucket is simple all you need to do is this

Get your self a bucket eny colour but clear as you will end up with algy forming as the nutes react to the light .

The size of the bucket can very from 1 gal (4lt) to 5gal (20lt) ruffly i personaly like useing a 10 lt bucket and have had up to 19 oz yield cured from a single bucket plant but it depends on the strain and given phino .

Once you have your bucket then get a drill and drill a drain hole in the side of the bucket about 2 inch from the bottom , The drain hole can be around 7/16.

And the medium i use is perlite/vermiculite at around 3 to 4 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite.You can use volcanic rocks coco or 100% perlite but personaly i found the perlite / vermiculite a lot better in meany ways.

All you need to do now is basicly add the rooted clone or seedling water with nutes and thats it,I would water it daily until the tap root and root system has headed down to the res but once you see a desent growth rate id then start to water every 2 days.

The only thing rong with it is you need to hand water and you get run off from the drain hole thats it and as far as checking your PH well the only time you need to do that is when you mix your nutes i like useing a PH of 6.2 PH .

If you want to ask me questions feel free .

If you want to see the resolts of the hempy Bucket let me know and il tell you were to go to see them.

Like i sed im not stateing this methods is the best just saying its a option and a free one and it works and works well ................hempy