help! seedling problem


my plants are 5 days old and i`ve been watering them 2 times a day, yesterday night i skipped the watering and now i found them all with their heads down. The colour hasn`t changed. I put some sticks in the soil to keep their heads up.

Are them dead?

I`m growing AK48 temps 21 - 26, 270W CFL, in a grow box with prety good vent sistem.

LE: sorry for mistakes, im not that good at english


Well-Known Member
Two waterings a day seems like overkill to me, depending on how much water you're giving them. Let them dry up a bit, should perk them up as the roots search for nutrients.Usually droopy leaves are a sign of over-watering, sometimes underwatering too though. Are you growing in soil? If so, stick your finger in it about a good inch or two, of it feels moist to the touch there's plenty of water and your problem lies elsewhere. If it's dry, no soil sticks to your finger, you need to water again.


i know it sounds too much, but when i stick my finger in the soil it is dry, it dryes really fast i don`t know why, and this is why i water 2 times a day