Help Me Out!!!


Well-Known Member
o.k.,,, you shouldnt have a problem with your light,, but,,, there are soft white and another one,, Im sorry Im very wasted right now,, but there is only 2 dif. kinds so just get the other,,, me myself,,, I use whatever I have,, cause they really all work,, just some a little better for veg and flower,,, your on your way,, put up a pic and we will try to help better,, good luck..:peace:..........


Active Member
ill put pics up tommarow, i dont want to disturb it right now (its tucked away in my closet)...
plus it looks pretty sad... hopefully 18 hours of light will spunk it up a lil.


Well-Known Member
Lumens are good.. but you need the right spectrum for your growing period.

you need somthing higher than "Soft white"

I dont know what its called but i think its Bright white which is in the 6000+K temp range which is ideal for vegging.


Active Member
so let me get this straight,this kid was in line at mcdonalds drive thru,looks over and see's a plant,digs it up and is trying to grow it in his closet.
good luck with that


Well-Known Member
Those plants are doomed!

My buddy moved to a different apartment in the same apartment complex, he use to throw his seeds and ashes out his front door. Few weeks after moving into his new place, the guy who moved into his old place told him there were 3 plants growing by the front door. these plants were 2 ft high!!! completely left alone by the landscaping crew. He snatched them up put em in his closet to try and grow needless to say they died within a week. I don't think its even worth trying to grow those plants.