Help ID Field Shrooms


Well-Known Member
Its rained the past few days and I decided to run this field that I've been eyeing.

I've been hunting several times but always with friends who were experienced in the field, so this was my first time in the field alone.

I found some small mushrooms growing right around the patties and some larger ones that resemble more of what I remember hunting.

I'm sure the larger ones are the correct shrooms but the smaller ones I don't know what they are...can anyone help ID them?



Well-Known Member
ok so here is another question..
since I obviously don't know what the hell I'm looking for running around fields in the middle of the night, I figure it might be easier to just make a patch close to my property.
So would it be worth it going back to the field with a tub and collecting some cow shit?
Or maybe I should just stick with cultivating them indoors.
Anyone made their own patch before? I've got plenty of mycelium.
I bury all of my old cakes and casings in loose soil but without poo and straw I don't think anything will pop up.


Well-Known Member
I've seen that, but no thats not quite what I'm aiming tubs just good old mother earth and some cow poop with some straw to produce mushrooms for a long time.

The problem I see with huge casings like that is that you put way too many eggs in one basket and then have to toss it when it gets contaminated...I like to do small 4 cup tray casings with 1 pint jar to each tray.

I have these trays that just started pinning about 2 days ago and then the second pic is some of my trays last round, I was out of town so they didn't get picked in time before they spewed spores everywhere.

Indoor cultivation is nice and I've gotten ok with it..but these tubs take up room and its work to tray all of that shit up...outdoor just seems so much more less involved if you can make it work.



Well-Known Member
I'll fill up a tub of poo next chance I get and look around for some hay bales for straw.
I need to do some more research but I'll give it a shot...wish me luck!