Help! Harvesting Time Estimate

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow Growers,

I wanted to know (on average), how long would it take to harvest a big outdoor plant with just one person (first timer)?

Would it be better to manicure at the grow site or take to a second location?

Would it be better to dry at the location (in a dry box which would go underground) or at a different location?



Well-Known Member
How big is the plant? harvesting isn't that hard, though it can be time consuming if you want to be exact.

i would dry in a different location. box under the ground? would that mean it would be air-tight? if so i wouldn't do that. they will rot straight away.


Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow Growers,

I wanted to know (on average), how long would it take to harvest a big outdoor plant with just one person (first timer)?

Would it be better to manicure at the grow site or take to a second location?

Would it be better to dry at the location (in a dry box which would go underground) or at a different location?

Is this a legal or guerrilla grow? Legal....take your time and enjoy yourself. Guerrilla...hack, bag, bail, trim enjoy;) Regardless I think you would be better served drying it elsewhere. As for time it will take....a lot of that is strain dependent and the size of the plant as well as your skill level at trimming.

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Ya. The underground box idea doesn't seem so bright anymore.

So im gonna have to find another way to dry.

Would i be able to keep the buds in an air-tight jar (opening the jar for about 2-3 hours every day?)


Well-Known Member
when to harvest differs over all parts of the world.
You need to hang your buds and let them dry with plenty of fresh air.
As for trimming, it's personal preference


Well-Known Member
this is what i always do: trim the plant down, so i can get rid of the leafs, most of the stem, until im left with most of the bud, i hang the bud up via a string running across my grow area, leave it a day or 2, then trim the bud some more, getting rid of most of the stem (but not all) then i put it in jars, opening the jars everyday for about 20 minutes, i think its called burping, anyway, it takes about 2 weeks for the buds to cure, but when there done you will know, they will stink and in case your not sure, try to snap a stem, if its dry and snaps, your done, if it bends, might need some more time (thats why i leave a bit of stem)