HELP!!!~!!!! first time indoor grower


Active Member
I have 4 plants under a 400W HPS light. the temperature is usually around 78-80 degrees.

they are about a foot tall (one of them is only 7 inches so i put it under some books to level the canopy) and have been on a 12/12 cycle for about 2 weeks now.

here's the thing. I have to MOVE by April 30th (my lease ends). What do I do? Will my plants be ready to harvest by then? Moving them to the new house is not an option.

Please help me out with any feedback!


Well-Known Member
they wouldn't finish even if u've got a super fast indica (unless ur growin lowryder but i dought it), i suggest u get those buds as big as possible and just be glad with what ever u get, ive had to smoke premature buds before and although a little depressing it gets ya high non the less


Active Member
is there anyway to increase its growing process so I can get it done by April 30th? how long does it usually take for plants to get ready for harvest from the time they start on a 12/12 cycle?


Well-Known Member
You can shorten the flowering cycle slightly if you shorten the day more (say 10.5 hrs of light), but you'll reduce yield too. Very few strains mature any faster than 55 days from the time you go to 12/12. What strain?


Active Member
if you let them grow till about april 30 you should still get a decent amount. oh, i believe shortening the daylight period only works on a few types of indicas a little bit later on in the flowering period. other plants wont really respond too much to the photoperiod except with a decrease in yield. maybe try this stuff called gravity. its got stuff in it that is supposed to signal the end of flowering to the plant. use it 1-2 weeks before you have to get rid of them.


Active Member
one is a grand daddy purp and the other three, I have no idea, but they're really big and bushy. the grand daddy purp is actually my smallest one.


Active Member
couldnt really find that much info on it, but then again i didnt seaerch too hard either haha sorry... but, it looks like grand daddy purple is a pretty decently early flowering strain taking about 8 weeks soyoure not too bad off


Active Member
the other 3 plants are wayyyy bigger than the GDPs. the GDP is only about 7 inches tall. the other 3 are like 12-14 inches tall, and have way more leaves.


Active Member
when do plants start budding? I've had them on 12/12 light for about two weeks already and they haven't budded yet.


Well-Known Member
If you're growing from seed you should be able to determine sex at about 3 weeks ( unless you know how to spot preflowers). Don't worry.....once they get going flowering they really progress nicely especially in the last 2-3 weeks.


Active Member
I actually started the flowering stage when they reached around 10 inches. I have no idea how old they are. is this bad?