HELP!! 1st time soil grower needs your attention! flowering during veg stage?!?!?

Hey guys and gals! :) Here's the deal..

For the last 3 or 4 years I've been saving any and all seeds i'd get from bags of Chronic.

I ended up with 12 of them and 12 healthy plants grew from the seeds..... Beautiful little buggers.

So now I've got 8 plants because for some reason they are all flowering even though I've had them under 24/0 lighting schedule. Which I dont understand cause arent they only suppose to flower on 12/12?

They are a month and a half old some and started showing sex maybe two weeks ago 4 were male 7 female and 1 has yet to show.

What do you guys think is causing this? I've got them all 1 plant per 5 gallon bucket filled to the brim (well almost) with soil. They are green healthy and lovin life.
I've been using Fox Farm nutes and had them all in my veg. room until i saw that the buds were here to stay now they are all under a 1000w hps in a 4x5 room


Well-Known Member
It's probably pre-flowers. It's a sign of maturity.

Unless you have an auto-flower strain, but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
I will agreewith CPH on this.
Most likely preflower's.
Do you have a pic so we can see what we are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Yep its the pre flowers. Plants start out as seedlings and as they mature and enter a stage in life closer to sexual maturity they will show pre flowers. I wouldnt even put a plant into 12hr till it has pre flowers so your doing it right. Its like people, sure you can force a girl to "mature" at 12 but its a really bad idea better to wait. See what i mean?
Now you can take cuttings of the plants and put them straight into 12hr if you want as the cuttings are as old as the plant. So in other words you can keep taking cuttings and even though they have just rooted they are as old as the mother plant. I have clones that are several years old in reality. But no mothers. I just take some cuttings the day they go in to 12hr and root them. Keep the cucle and your good to go. Hope this helps clear it up for you


Well-Known Member
Yep its the pre flowers. Plants start out as seedlings and as they mature and enter a stage in life closer to sexual maturity they will show pre flowers. I wouldnt even put a plant into 12hr till it has pre flowers so your doing it right. Its like people, sure you can force a girl to "mature" at 12 but its a really bad idea better to wait. See what i mean?
Now you can take cuttings of the plants and put them straight into 12hr if you want as the cuttings are as old as the plant. So in other words you can keep taking cuttings and even though they have just rooted they are as old as the mother plant. I have clones that are several years old in reality. But no mothers. I just take some cuttings the day they go in to 12hr and root them. Keep the cucle and your good to go. Hope this helps clear it up for you

Damn good info Doc.
I don't think enough grower's understand that about mother's and cutting's.