Harvest late Sept. early Oct?


Well-Known Member
Just curious what everyone thinks.....
I have some plants in corn fields, I talked with one of the farmers and he said he usually harvests his corn between late Sept. or early Oct. I don't know what variety of seeds I have, they were picked out of bags of smoke by another guy who thought the stuff was really good. Overall most varieties I researched (seed companies) seem to harvest in months Sept. or Oct. I guess worst case, I harvest them early and have weaker smoke.
I'm looking for some prior experts to fill me in on corn field grows, and what their experiences were, good and bad.

Thanks, ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
Depends on the strain and where you are. But yeah, mid September and all through October are pretty normal harvest dates.


Well-Known Member
It varies really, just keep note so you can know for next year. That sucks not knowing, I would take some a little early just to have a bumper crop...