Harvest coming soon


Well-Known Member
yeah, theyve started already from what ive seen, mostly cloudy with some amber from what i saw


Well-Known Member
cheers! ill cut a branch down the now n do some more the morrow XD will leave the main bud a few more days as its maturing slower


Well-Known Member
heh happy times, cut a few branches down a few days ago n a couple everyday as they get ripe, smoked for a couple of days n damn its good!! awesome head high, it sort of creeps on you. i smoked a waterbucket, didnt feel high n 10 mins later im staring at the wall. and alice in wonderland has never been to funny!

cheeks were sort after an hour! (and this was a branch that i had cut a week too early hehe) its a pretty damn good head high that follows into a mellow body buzz (almost floating feeling!) im excited, raaa!

thanks to everyone who has helped me get this far and all the info!


Well-Known Member
ps u dont get any sort of come down either, its a quite long lasting high too, pretty much everything ive read about strawberry coughs effects, i have no other strains to compare tho! (never know what you get here normally lol)


Well-Known Member
Looks bomb in the last pic you posted. Definitely ready IMO. Now its just dry and cure time. It tastes so much better after a cure.


Well-Known Member
here we go folks!
got quite a lot off it considering its only one plant n a first timer!



Well-Known Member
cheers man! damn right! wld love to do this big time in 50 years when im retired n dont have a job lol