Hard Water...What to do??????


Well-Known Member
This is my first real attempt to grow some herb inside.After mis diagnosing my plants problems many times,come to conclusion that my tap water is HARD.Will using water from my "Britta" help or hurt my plants.Where can i get some "RO" water from.I've been told that that is the best type of water to use.Any advice would help considerably.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't see why Brita water would hurt your plants

You can buy cheap distilled water by the gallon for like $.50 or buy big jugs fairly cheap at your grocery store or Walmart if you're that worried about your water


Well-Known Member
Sure Brita water's fine,still have to test ph to really know what to do,check FAQ's should tell you how.


Well-Known Member
OK Distilled water is what i'm hearing from all of you.Ihate to ask this question,but what is distilled water is that also "RO" water. I really dont know.....Some say distilled & some say "RO" continue with the feedback please.


Well-Known Member
you can used either r/o and distilledare just 2 different processes to eliminate things from the water, I live in a hardwater area as well and I have bought distilled from walmart (sodium free) and it works great, I am also using R/O water you cant get 5 gallons for 1.50 at filling stations and it works the same so whichever you have access too .....


Well-Known Member
the brita water filter will not work for real hard water,disstilled is the best but it takes more water to make one gallon and costs more RO is cheaper and takes less water to make so easier on the enviroment,and RO can grow plants just as well as disstilled.