Gypsy nirvana-still in packing dept!!


Well-Known Member
i just seen the pic of the packing your seeds where sent out in your white russian grow,mine where just plane zip locks with a white sticker with the name,amount,breeders name printed.this has really put me off buying from them again.


Well-Known Member
yea i kind of thought freebies only got sent out like that,i'm sure though you got wat youpaid for,not excluding thier shitty customer service or nuthing jus believe your alrite,,,,yea attitudes on top of thier game,all brreders pacs, its jus thier more expensive, i dont know , if i was gonna or der and want my stuff quik i use attitude, rhinoseeds,seed boutique as well, it jus seems thier not restocking much and that kind of makes me think, but we'll see,plus attitude has trak and trace and you can watch it move up to NY, tghen it stops there, and trak and trace is always 3 days behind , but yu get to see it movin to and know its coming.heres my order history- 1- sed boutique,, 3with attitude ,, 8 with rhino seeds ,, onestopseedshop 1 order but got seized. i hav 8 yrs exper. buying seeds , so there ya go bro,lol.cant you see me layed bak lookin atcha, all this good wee dsmokin turned me into a cat,a cool CAT,lol.


Well-Known Member
ever known any body who has ordered from bc bud depot ? they sell bog seeds that are of premo genetics,i just dont know of how safe they are...can you post the link for the attitude seed site,i typed it in my search and there is three or four different site comming up and i dont know which is the right one to order from.