Growth Control and Node Production - Help Plz?


Active Member
How can I help produces more branches on the lower parts of my plants and about what age to do so? My plants are about a month old, and about 7 inches tall but the stems are weak... so what else could i do to help increase the width/strength of the main stems?


Well-Known Member
a oscilating fan blowing on ya plants would have stopped that problem,but you can still put one on um now,you might havta use supports until the stems strong,if you want ya plant to branch out more you can top it now,,,,,,peace


Active Member
yes, I would put a brace on it some how. maybe tie a pencil to it or something, then put a fan on it. The fan is key because it will make the stem strong plus it will vent the air around the plant making it healthier and grow faster.


Active Member
well that's what I'm doing now. But what's a way (when it's stronger of course) to produce more branches on the lower part of my plant?