Growing with Stuff From Around the House


Active Member
I've attempted to grow in the past. Nothing fancy, just threw some seeds into some dirt that's in a pot and put it next to the window. Water it once and awhile and just be proud of my little baby. Growing marijuana is actually what got me interested in growing a garden outside. Every year I grow tomatoes, onions, carrots, and different kinds of herbs. The problem I always had with marijuana growing is I couldn't get people to leave it alone. People would come over and see my plant standing up strong and tall (well stretching for light) and they always had to touch it or try to smell it or blow smoke into it. But eventually they would die or something would somehow kill it. This happened maybe three or four times in the past. Well now that my life is a little more stable, I decided to start growing again. But this time I was going to try to keep them safe and out of harms way.

I'm not a person who really likes to spend a lot of money on hobbies. I will if it's necessary but I like to recycle and use things around the house. So begins my grow I dubbed "Operation Homegrown" :roll:

After reading all these topics about how people are spending hundreds of dollars to grow pot I ask myself: "Why?" Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy it then? Why are people trying to get all this fancy equipment and setting up the 'ulimate' grow for some killer bud? It's weed. It can survive pretty harsh enviroments and shouldn't require this much work. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and attempt a grow on a very small budget.

I decided to do a rubbermaid grow box. I have a 28 gallon (i think) rubbermaid storage box and I have white freezer paper lining the inside. I have aluminum foil on the cover to make a reflector. I'm using a flourecent grow bulb I found in my parents garage when I was helping them move and a small fan incase it gets too hot and a humidy and tempature gauge I picked up at Goodwill for $2.

The pots themselves are made out of aluminum cans. I pushed the bottoms down and punched holes through them to make draingage holes. I grabbed some rocks from outside, washed them, and dropped them in the bottom of the can. I first used soil from a dead fern but later picked up some Hyponex soil from KMart and am using that instead. One plant that is sprouting is still using the old fern soil and I'm not going to fix it if it's not broken.

I first germinated the seeds to make sure I had good seeds. The seeds are from a small tupperware container that I like to keep old seeds from good weed that I may have smoked. (And people used to laugh at me for keeping the seeds) So these seeds are from 2 weeks to 5 years old. After I determined the strong seeds I immediatly placed them in their containers, watered them and set them under the light.

So far I think it's been maybe four days since I placed them in a wet paper towel to germinate them and I think it's doing fairly well. I am concerned about the light source not giving enough lumens out. I am considering buying CFL bulbs (since I already have the sockets and the plugs to make it) but I'm giving it sometime and see how it goes.

So I will include a few pictures I just took of my setup. I will take pictures of the seedlings once I can get a better camera that can take close up pictures that aren't so blurry.

Questions, Comments and conerns are welcome.

