Growing space...?


Well-Known Member
If I wanted to grow 4 plants would i do it in a box that 2'(deep) 3'(wide) and 6' tall? or do I need more space???


Well-Known Member
You would need some more space, you want to give the plants some room for some air circulation. The height is fine though.


Well-Known Member
Thats perfect for seedling to med but 4 weeks before flowerig it should a lot more space for air circulation.


Well-Known Member
ok me and a buddy where thinking 6' wide, 2 1/2' deep, and 6' many plants can I put in there without stressing the plants....mide you this will be my 1st time growing and Im just trying to set something up.....its gotta be large e nuf (lol cant spell) to grow from start to finish.
