Growing inside a cave SICK SETUP!!!!


Well-Known Member
that is pretty fuckin sick....i wish it said how they got caught.....seemed pretty fuckin stealthy
they got caught stealing electricity, no one lived there but people came and went, and they built a house on top of a cave. it was a 9 year investigation, lets see 9 years at about a half a million dollars a month. ..


New Member
isnt that pathetic, getting busted for stealing electric....all that money being made growing that smoke...all they should have done was build a big garage and had a seperate electrical service put in... perfect cover


Well-Known Member
If you dont keep your big fucking yapper shut, you will. There are ways, there are always ways .


Well-Known Member
i think the only way this place was profitable was 'cuz they were stealing electricity. i can't even count how many hid's they are using. looks like over 400 adults and probably as many young'ins and twice as many clones. likely went down for 999+ those pots look like they are spaced way too far apart unless you were growing in a greenhouse under full sun. and the vedge area the lights are up on the ceiling ... i guess you can get away with that with row after row of halides on a free electric tab. (there are halides unlit between the rows of flourescents) they could've fit 2x or 4x as many plants under those lights in the adult area. same in the vedge area.. cuz there using 5 gal. pots with plants that could still be in 2 gal. pots.

looks like a spindly arse sativa strain. either that or they are just stretched out cuz the lights are too far away.


Well-Known Member
i think the only way this place was profitable was 'cuz they were stealing electricity. i can't even count how many hid's they are using. looks like over 400 adults and probably as many young'ins and twice as many clones. likely went down for 999+ those pots look like they are spaced way too far apart unless you were growing in a greenhouse under full sun. and the vedge area the lights are up on the ceiling ... i guess you can get away with that with row after row of halides on a free electric tab. (there are halides unlit between the rows of flourescents) they could've fit 2x or 4x as many plants under those lights in the adult area. same in the vedge area.. cuz there using 5 gal. pots with plants that could still be in 2 gal. pots.

looks like a spindly arse sativa strain. either that or they are just stretched out cuz the lights are too far away.

i think there was more going on there than what we saw in the pictures man and someone had to have a fat stack of cash to get that place started i mean the hydrolic doors and that entire like warehouse sized thing and the fake rocks......there was something to what they were doing or it wouldn't have lasted as long as it did


Well-Known Member
i wonder why people get so greedy if i could pull off a show like that i probly wouldnt need to lol and anyone see the one where this guy changed a big ass pool into a grow the people next door thought it was the pool heater buzzing lol


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm sure they made bookoo cash on it... just looks sloppy as hell. they could have doubled or tripled whatever they were getting just by tightening things up a bit with some RIU common sense :D


yeah, i'm sure they made bookoo cash on it... just looks sloppy as hell. they could have doubled or tripled whatever they were getting just by tightening things up a bit with some RIU common sense :D

sure, there is always room for improvement; but they said it was a 9yr investigation.... so that means they pulled it off for almost a decade.... i dont care how sloppy you want to call their actual grow, except for the stealing for power, it appears they covered all angles.....


Well-Known Member
yea i seen that 20rr car setup it was sick as hell!!!! i was thinking the same thing!!!! how the fuck do you start that???


It's about as amazing as 20 underground RR cars... How the f*ck do you get those?

google around... they are easy to find; just gotta have the money to pay for em... on the bright side, they are really cheap.... compared to what they cost new:lol:... i'll try to find you some