Grow Room Resivour Idea


Active Member
Hey all, thanks for taking your time and looking at my idea. If you think it's good or bad, please let me know either way. Any suggestions would be great as well!

So this is going to be an aeroponics setup, it will have the EZ clone sprayers spraying the water, like in StinkBuds setup.
This is pretty much copying the "see more buds" videos, except the resivours are built out of wood and lined with plastic.

In my room I'd fit a 6 foot frame and divide it into 3 2 foot compartments (as seen below). Each compartment would be 4 foot long and 3 (Maybe 2 and a half) foot deep. There would be a ply wood at the bottom slanted down (30 degree slant or so) to where a valve is for flushing. The inside would be lined with plastic sheet (moisture barrier) and sealed with bathtub sealant. Inside of that I would use a tarp to actually hold the water, it would be easy to take out and clean outside.

The top would also be ply wood, it would be lined with moisture barrier (or w.e I use to repel the water as well). I would put 2" - 3" net pots all along the top for a ScrOG setup.

The inside would have a 1/2" PVC pipe system with the EZ clone sprayers watering the plants, with a pump probably ~1000 GPH.

Any ideas would be great, I know it's not the best post planned wise, but I think it will definitely get across what I'm trying to do.
