Grow Room Question?


Do I need a vortex fan to use with my carbon filter? Or can I just use a duct fan, squirrl cage ect.?


Well-Known Member
any fan should be fine, anything strong enuf to push the air through

Really? Well then go to the gas station and get the ones they sell at the counter that have styrofoam blades and candy in the bottom.

He asked what fan to use on a carbon filter and the correct answer is, no, you can't use any old fan.

A booster duct fan will technically work, but they don't have the power to move a significant amount of air, you really do need an enclosed high velocity vortex fan.


Well-Known Member
You don't need a Vortex. They are just a brand of centrifugal fans.
Duct boosters tend to choke on the filters resistance, though do work when you don't need a lot of air flow.
Any rated centrifugal fan will work best, either in-line or squirrel cage style.
Check the CFM rating of the filter and meet it.