Well-Known Member
i am going to gorilla grow and i was wondering if i can germinate and sprout the seeds in the ground
Well thats how mother nature does it.

If you could at least start them off at home, just to get them past the seedling stage, then you would be giving them a better chance.


Well-Known Member
alright sweet oh and one question i have made an automatic watering system with a time but i dont know what time to set the timer at. like how many muinets and how many days a week


Well-Known Member
its warm maby 70-75
How often do you get rain?

Your best bet is to check out the outdoor section on this site. Find a journal that seems to match your climate and go from there.

Where I am I can water once every 2-3 days even in the middle of summer, but we get plenty of rain too so I dont have to worry too much.


Well-Known Member
it's a little early to plant them directly outdoors. once the plants are like 4 weeks old they'll be pretty resistant to any cold spells or anything.

i'd start them indoors, seedlings don't have great survival rates outdoors, that's why mother nature provides tons of seeds just to make sure a few of them make it to maturity.

even vegging them indoors for 2 weeks will greatly enhance their survival chances.

but yeah if you've got plenty of seed go for it, just have some good quality soil for the seeds to root in.