Good Morning everyone! :-D


Well-Known Member
Its not all hydro,it just depends on who's harvesting what,you will be seeing assloads of soil grown bud within about the next month.

Mine come down in about 3 weeks so thats 6 weeks to market.
Thanks I didn't think of that.. good heads up! & goodluck on your harvest Brother!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've heard that before. I can't really taste it myself but I probably just don't have that discerning of a palette. I do like the spice and citrus though :lol:

I can never taste the special taste in organics that people talk about either, I always saw it as a marketing scheme.
Yea sum ppl can't smell or taste certain things.. I have.. lol a pretty good palette.. It helps my Cooking & baking skills!! :-O

Its like ppl who smoke a cigars or pipes!


Well-Known Member
Hey TD, I have the same issue as you, I get severe anxiety from weed. I have tried a bunch of strains, Sativa and Indica and I've yet to find anything that doesn't set it off.. It's usually the first half hour of the first buzz... Then after that I can smoke and be ok.. But anxiety/Panic attacks are a bitch.
Actually I can medicate with a 20/80 sativa/indica.. Its strain dependent.. Er uh what I mean to say is I've found sum sativa's have the same affect as Indica's & vise versa.. I had a real good source for sum "TREE'S" back in 2005 & 2006! I mean.. the buds looked just like an actual miniature tree!! LoL..OMG that shit was so good, 1st toke any stress or pain's you had were gone!! No Nerves or paranoia.. NONE!! And it only cost $125 an O-Z!!

After a long day workin on the assembly line that was painkiller & nerve pill! While everybody else would poppin Vicodins & Xanax (bad shit)! I was doin the natural way 100% organic! Heh heh heh BRB I've got go make a phone call!! Lmao..


Well-Known Member
Grown Ebb & DWC style using the Lucas formula before and now nothing but a slight variation of Subs Super soil. IMO you can achieve deeper, richer, & more pronounced flavors and aromas using soil. Hydro is fast but soil is quality.