Ghetto reflector/cooltube

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I got a 400w MH light from a buddy for nothing a while back. It is the type that is used at construction jobs so there were some mods I had to make to it. I had to seperate the ballast from the bulb socket. I have a small closet so I needed to keep it as cool as possible. I was in a hurry to get it up and running so I used plywood to make a box and bought plexiglass for the bottom. This was crappy in many different ways. Lots of light was wasted and there was a fire danger. I work at a construction site myself and eventually collected what I needed for a ghetto reflector. I found scrap sheet metal (galvanized), aluminum foil tape and self tapping screws (TEK screws). I used a new drafting program I got to draw up what I wanted and then put it together. It works great and can get the plants pretty close without burning. I am using a ghetto 5 inch desk fan that I took apart and mounted in a plastic jar with the bottom cut out and taped to the end of 4" dryer duct for my cooling fan. I want a better fan but can't afford one right now. I just figured I would put it up to show you what I did and maybe it will help you or maybe give me some pointers on better ways to do it next time.




Well-Known Member
Hey man. :-P I want t do something like that. how do you have your glass in place and what type of glass are you using, and are you painting that galvanized sheet metal or do you have some type of reflective coating on the inside.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I used the plexiglass from my plywood box. It's 1/4" regular plexiglass. It cost me less than $5. I think it was less than $3. I have a MH bulb so it is a lot fatter than a hps. I had to secure the bulb on the end so it didn't hang down and touch the plastic. I learned that when I went to check it an hour after I fired it up and saw the bulb sitting on the plexiglass and melting to it. It is all better now though. I fastened the glass to the hood with just the aluminum tape. It works great. Its just like aluminum foil but has high temp adhesive on the back. So far I paid $3 for plastic and $10 for the dryer pipe with 90 degree elbows. The rest was either gifts or scrounge.


Well-Known Member
post a picture of the light from the botom, i must not be seeing it right. Maybe paint the inside white. I'm in the metal industry, and white is a lot more reflective than galvanize or galvalume. If its a even slightly polished aluminum then that's another story.


Well-Known Member
how did you suspend the light bulb up??..When just messing around making a cool tube i had the same porblem and bulbs top would lay on the glass ...I didnt think of anything to suspend it form sooo im very curious..

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
how did you suspend the light bulb up??..When just messing around making a cool tube i had the same porblem and bulbs top would lay on the glass ...I didnt think of anything to suspend it form sooo im very curious..
I used some coat hanger type wire and saddled the end of the bulb and screwed the wire to the hood to raise up the bulb. Pretty ghetto. But thats the idea. Make it look like a pothead made it. Oh yea, I am.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I do agree about the looks of the rivets compared to the tape. But as far as a fire danger there is no worry. I was a ductwork installer and it is building code to use aluminum tape to fasten the exhaust on industrial laundry dryers. Those things put out some major heat. Also I noticed some expansion from the heat of the lamp so the tape keeps the seams nice and tight.