Getting to the End

Ok so this is pretty interesting, I am groing outdoors, and its only my second year and with the outdoor grow i dont bother to do indoors due to odor money and other inconvinieces of indoor growing... the only problem is the controll of the lighting and temperature. So all of my plants have been growing what i would consider some nice outdoor buds!!! but i have come across a small problem that some other people have been telling me who have checked out my plants, one of my 9 plants (which have been flowering for about 5 weeks now) is going back into the vegitative state???? Now im just wondering if anybody has had or even heard of this problem.... im thinking they want me to cut it to have some smoke lol, but i would hate to cut off my little baby before it has had the proper amount of time to have the full flower POWER!!!!! Also some other facters that might have them thinking that is the lack of sunlight due too clouds maybe some shitty weather i dono, also the temperature has been creeping down lower and lower every day. Now i know the plant can handle some stress and alot depends on genetics but in general what is the lowest temp for the plants to still be able to produce those nice little cristals? I live in the alps and the weather can change rather quickly when those storms get cought up on the mountains and the snow can already start to stay near 2300 meters... i live at about 1000 and the snow takes longer to get here but the cold doesnt wait as long..... Thank you for your time and advice..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Photos would help a TON, besides what your friends are saying, what would lead you to believe this plant is going back into the vegetative stage? it would be pretty rare for it to be among all those others and be the only one going back into the veg. stage. This type of thing can happen, but cold isn't gonna be what makes it happen, light it what will do it. is there an outdoor light source that's coming on at night to cut the nighttime period short for this plant?? your friends may want some smoke early, but cutting it early would only do more harm than good. MJ is a very adaptive plant, i've got one i just harvested outdoor that survived 30 degrees Farenheit 3 nights in a week in the spring and still had really nice flowers.... If your plant is getting 12 full hours of darkness and it's going back into the veg. stage i'd just cut it down, you have plenty more that are healthy, don't focus too much time on the runt. Goodluck with the grow!