Getting back


Well-Known Member
Hello my good peoples! It's definitely been a while since I was on here, but I have no choice but 2 grow. My mental health n well being depends on it! Was looking to build my own flow hood, cause I can't seem 2 get a good inoc going. Anyone willing to help me build? I'm a quick learner n pretty hands on. I've had success in the past, but haven't been able 2 succeed my since. I'm outta practice, but I'm sure it'll all come back. The holiday season is upon us n although I don't partake, I have love ones who will stop at nothing on getting me gifts. Steere in the right direction for equipment as well as spores plz! Yes, I could do my own homework, but I'd like to get the input of you all that are well versed n experienced. Nothing but love n thank you 4 your time!