Getting a So Cal MM card.


Active Member
I am currently in school in Michigan, but I will be back in Southern California for the summer.
I have been going through some problems with depression and I wanted to ask some questions about acquiring a medical marijuana card in southern california, more specifically the LA and Orange counties.

Where should I look up? or go to be checked up and prescribed a medical marijuana card by a professional doctor.
Will my health insurance company know about my medical marijuana card/purchasing etc.?
How much is it normally?
How long does the purchase of one card last?
Is it true that people who get a MM card are put into the state's database. Is that information easy to obtain? Is anyone able to look up who has a MM card?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting a MM card?

My parents are very much against marijuana, but I still live under their rules. I need to know If i can get a card and deal with this on my own, because I do not want this information to eventually go back to my parents through my healthcare provider.

If there is any other information that anyone would like to share, PM me. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
i just got my shit its sooo easy all i idid is when i was at venice just along the end of the boardwalk theres a clinic across from mucsle beach gave them 140 dollars and told them that i suffered insomnia and got approved / recomended for medical marijuana while filing out paper work noted i had no primary physican i read nothing of a statewide database as far as i know when ur found with marijuana they just call your doctor or when going to a new clinic no healthcare provider was informed so its all good dog when you get back to cali hit up venice get urself a nice bong and a nice new shiny med card