Gettin some different spots and possible problems


Active Member
I'm about 4 weeks in only fert about 3 times so far. I'm on 16/8 day/night schedule.

I just want to make sure I catch anything bad before it can happpen. I've been gettin some spots and just wondering what they were. They pics dont really do it justice...They are a light green spot that is causeing the leaf to be a bit thinner in that area.
It is possible i may have a slight bug problem...thought that i saw a pesky pest yesterday and I found a hole in one of my fresh top leaves. ANY IDEAS??

I am using organics GHBB dutch quality....grow, bloom, and fish emulsion.

Any help is very much appreciated.

I will post more pics tomorrow.



Active Member
I just noticed a pic online that looks like my pic....Labeled ph fluctuation. I have a bottle of ph down that I havent used yet and I hear that tap water is slightly basic. Should I use a drop of this in my nut. solution.?


Well-Known Member
you should test the water first then adjust for ph. My tap water runs closer to 8 ( more basic) but it fluctuates.


Active Member
I meant a 18/6. 1000W sodium bulb 4*6 room
ORganic soil in need of a translpant. any other advice for leaves??

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Some folks report a magnesium deficiency when using Biobizz nutes.

I'd like to have a concensus..but i'm gonna gues that you are seeing early stages of that coming on. If it is mg..those spots will go brown.
