Get Ready America They R COMMING


Well-Known Member
now Glenn Beck basically is stating that 911 truthers are terrorists, there goes all respect for him!


Well-Known Member
now Glenn Beck basically is stating that 911 truthers are terrorists, there goes all respect for him!
I don't know about terrorists, but obsessed with a crazy CT, most assuredly.

Thoughts do not a terrorist make, actions on the other hand. Has any crazy truther tried killing any one?


Well-Known Member
yeah, he pisses me off because of this kind of talk. however, according to the Department of Homeland Security... everyone is a terrorist. So he's not really wrong lol

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thats pretty fucked up, basically they have an extremism for everything and EVERYONE. That makes it very easy to label anyone who has a mental capacity for thought a fucking take your rights away, stand on your neck, throw you in a hole for eternity , torture every day terrorist. Thats right the government has basically labeled everyone a terrorist and we all know that in this country when you are a terrorist there are no rights for you. It does not matter what you have done, only what you think..thought crime is a real crime to them and they will stop at nothing to either eradicate dissenters or to remold you into another pathetic sheep of the masses.

In a way our society Reminds me of the very first Apple Computer commercial.


Active Member
The worst thing about the US, the most dangerous thing, is the power the media has over everyone but those with the intelligence and ability to seek out The News from above and beyond the mainstream media...many yankees who I think seem like decent folk, are severely brainwashed into thinking that their country sincerely, fights only in the name of Saving Lives...that is an astounding success by the Propaganda offices at the white house. Its so hard to spread the word of Truth, or at least push people to question what they are been spoon fucking fed...they, the pigfuckers at the top, have worked tirelessly to get this slaves and priests routine in place, and now, the spirit has been numbed, and its childs play to them to continue their $ for blood routine around the globe all in the name domestically speaking, of Saving Lives...


Well-Known Member
The worst thing about the US, the most dangerous thing, is the power the media has over everyone but those with the intelligence and ability to seek out The News from above and beyond the mainstream media...many yankees who I think seem like decent folk, are severely brainwashed into thinking that their country sincerely, fights only in the name of Saving Lives...that is an astounding success by the Propaganda offices at the white house. Its so hard to spread the word of Truth, or at least push people to question what they are been spoon fucking fed...they, the pigfuckers at the top, have worked tirelessly to get this slaves and priests routine in place, and now, the spirit has been numbed, and its childs play to them to continue their $ for blood routine around the globe all in the name domestically speaking, of Saving Lives...
:clap: you are bang on bro.. something drastic must be done soon..

Watch why we fight.. its a documentary film i purchased at best buy.. Fucking incredible how they managed to pull off this double psych on society..

The american model for economical colonialism is very similar to Hitlers workers party.. stimulus packages... give me a fucking break! wake up PEOPLE!..

And come to think of it... People like us here on RIU are outside of the box in terms of how we look at our societies structures...

Your alive. DO something
The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words not complete sentences. It sounds like this: Look, Listen, Choose, ACT