Fox farm nutrients

Are the doses on the schedule meant for a individual plant, or do I mix em in the gallon and water a plant until I have run off then move on to the next?


Active Member
I have also been wondering if soil needs run off. Was thinking of switching from coco.
A friend gave me a plant that was looking weak he had in coco and I put it in my Mother Earth soil, it came back to life and looking strong asf lol


Well-Known Member
This is the fox farm schedule I used to go by, usually 1/4 the str that it says on it though. It's the same for all the plants or one just need more of it for more plants the doses are in ml/ml and in tsp/gal. I don't remember where I got this schedule from but it worked well for a long time.


I'm about to move away from fox farms, maybe jacks 3-2-1? If you read up on how people feel about fox farms on this forum the general consensus seems to be that they are over priced and under performing.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
You can ditch the Superthrive as well. I think Jack's 321 is specifically for hydro, but maybe someone who knows better can correct me.

I think the Organic forum here on RIU has all of the soil guys. You should ask over there. I'm pretty sure that they make soils that can get a plant through it's entire life cycle with just water, and again, please, somebody correct me if I'm wrong about that. I'm a hydro guy.