for my first grow


Well-Known Member
I had some thoughts and questions and i was hoping for some feedback!

Is (1) 250 hps enough for veg/flowering?

Whats the easiest way of controlling the height and making it short??

For my first grow, what type of results should I expect with soil; would a hydro setup be easier?

thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I use a 250w for veg/flower right now and it works great. I do the SOG method and have averaged about 3-4 ounces per harvest. My cabinet is kind of small at 15"Dx24"W, so 2.5 square feet. Right now I have 8 plants in there at about 18-20" each and hoping for about 4-5 ounces total this time. To keep plants short you can either do what I do and flower early or you can train them. I've done LST before and it's fun, but a bit more time consuming. I can go from seed to harvest in about 10 weeks. Oh, and I would suggest soil myself.. I think it's easier. Check out my link in my sig. for some pics.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
250W HPS will put out enough lumen to successfully grow 1-2 plants.

To keep plants short a SoG or ScRoG method are best. If you wanna respect the KISS rule (Keep It Simple, Stupid), a LST or supercropping method works fine too. This info may also prove useful: if plants are kept at 24/0, they will grow bushy and less tall, if kept at 18/6, they will strech and grow tall.
But the easiest easiest way of keeping things short is getting a very dominant indica - my recommandation: White Rhino (will never grow over 70cm/2,3 feet) - or flower early or even 12/12 from seed if you have a sativa that would otherwise grow well into your upper neighbours living room (like, 3-4m height).

Never ever buy soil with that slow nute release crap (like Miracle Grow soil). This will only lead to nute burn and the ratios of NKP in this type of soil is terrible for vegging or flowering. Buy simple potting soil for flowers with a pH between 6 and 7 ideally, but never over 7. Some perlite will really come in handy. Soil/perlite ratio should be 60/40 to 80/20.

Soil growth is great, easy and affordable. A hydro grow would not be easier and would cost more money. Many say plants grow slower in soil but if done right they can produce just as much yeald as a hydro grow in the same amount of time.


Well-Known Member
250W HPS will put out enough lumen to successfully grow 1-2 plants.

To keep plants short a SoG or ScRoG method are best. If you wanna respect the KISS rule (Keep It Simple, Stupid), a LST or supercropping method works fine too. This info may also prove useful: if plants are kept at 24/0, they will grow bushy and less tall, if kept at 18/6, they will strech and grow tall.
But the easiest easiest way of keeping things short is getting a very dominant indica - my recommandation: White Rhino (will never grow over 70cm/2,3 feet) - or flower early or even 12/12 from seed if you have a sativa that would otherwise grow well into your upper neighbours living room (like, 3-4m height).

Never ever buy soil with that slow nute release crap (like Miracle Grow soil). This will only lead to nute burn and the ratios of NKP in this type of soil is terrible for begging or flowering. Buy simple potting soil for flowers with a pH between 6 and 7 ideally, but never over 7. Some perlite will really come in handy. Soil/perlite ratio should be 60/40 to 80/20.

Soil growth is great, easy and affordable. A hydro grow would not be easier and would cost more money. Many say plants grow slower in soil but if done right they can produce just as much yeald as a hydro grow in the same amount of time.
Yeah I would agree with not using the MG soil. I've been using it for years but I think its not that great.. just easy to get. Right now most the soil is frozen cause they store it outdoors.. other then Miracle Grow soil. If you use it for seedlings it will most likely kill them.

From what I can tell from my buddys hydro grow, his does grow a bit faster but just in veg. We were both doing white widow and his veg. time is a shorter, if you were growing them out. Since I do the SoG method I have very minimal veg. time and that works great for me.. flowering time is the same for both. I also think the taste is better with soil too, most people would probably agree.