Florida Paitents


New Member
Hi All... This is Dream Visions... AKA Jul... I have stage 4 breast cancer... the tumor is ulcerated... I have been on the Simpson Medicine now for about 5 weeks... I am also taking Vitamin B17, Apricot Kernels, Vitamin B15, Beta Carotene, Graviola, Green Tea Plus, Papya Enzymes, Cat's Claw, Wheat Grass, Essiac Tea plus I have been working on my diet as well... My tumor seems to be enlarging, pushing outward... I have pain in my bones and muscles, I am very weak and more... I truly need to speak with someone which have/had Breast Cancer or experience with someone which has had it and went the Simpson oil way... I need to know if what I am experiencing is typical of this protocol or not as well as what others have experienced , both positive and negative, and had success with... If you could please contact me at my e-mail address, I will send you my phone number so we can talk or we can just communicate via e-mail... what ever you are comfortable with... Please help... I am so very concerned & scared with this all and need to speak with someone with first hand information regarding my experience...Thank You, Bless You...In Love & light Most sincerely going it alone, JulE-mail: [email protected]