Floppy Stems on Clone! Help!

Last night I cut my mother plant in two from the top because I thought I'd try and sort of "start over" in the sense that now I can trim a bit of the sides and allow the plant to become more bushy. I put trimed the top half at a 45 degree angle and then the person I was with went ahead and cut two 45 degree angles into the new clone on each side of the stem. What I mean is the stem was then cut like this: \/

She told me not to put the plant back under lights for a day or two, which I thought was a little bogus so I ended up putting it back under the lights. Before even putting them under the lights however, I noticed that the stems were flopping over. The base of the stem is very strong, but when I look at the top, and a couple of the branches, they fall completely over. When I touch the top of the plant and try and move around the stem it feels very squishy and rubbery.

What is going on?? Is my clone dieing? Is this normal? Can I save her??:sad::sad::sad:


Cloning is tricky as it seriously stresses the babies. It could very well straighten up on its own as a few of mine will bend over & return back to normal in a few days, but this is the exception not the rule. Mostly, if you give them low light (or even no light for first 12 hours) & low temps (lower 70's) & decent humidity (40-60%), they will be as stress-free as possible. These shouldn't fold over on you. Likely the temps are too high also w light & they can't transpire enough w no roots. Other possibility is infection in which case the baby is dead. Look up Damping Off for reference. Peace.