first timer needs direction.


Active Member
First time grow.

I want a setup that takes advantage of my 6 plant legal limit. I have a closet space to work with, or plenty of freestanding descrete room, easy to toss a grow box in. Want to grow short indicas/ kushs.

I've scoured the forums a good bit, and just need general direction to go in, and finish up my research prior to getting setup. Should I try to set something up in my 2 foot deep by 10ish feet long by 8 ish high closet, or go outside of that. And build/buy a growbox. Mainly, im concerned about light dispertion in such a small narrow but long space.

Budget wise, I dont need to go bottom of the barrel, but would like to produce a quality yield.

Any suggestions for keeping my setup legit and legal, and what direction I should focus on would be much appreciated.