First-timer CFL closet grow (Comments encouraged)


Active Member
Ok so after a bit of debate I decided keeping a grow journal was going to be a good thing. I kinda already posted my intro, so please don't mind the cross-posting. Included are some questions I had, answered ones crossed out.
This entry will correspond with day 14:
So, These babies germinated for a few days, and were planted the day before 4/20. They are about 4.5".I don't have pH equip. Growing in a closet 22"x3.5' (though I can make it taller if need be) and the lights are a few inches away from the tops of the plants. Walls are just aluminum foil covered. I lysol'd the grow area before using.

Ok,Heres my setup:
2x 27w 5500k n:vision CFLs in 8.5" reflectors ,one over each big pot
2x 23w 6000k feit electric CFLs in 8.5" reflectors, one over each small pot

They did however start with 2x15w T8 18" grolux bulbs over the 12 plants I was sprouting
For flowering I have:
2x30w 3000k sylvania CFLs
2x23w 3500k n:vision CFLs

For soil I'm using sta-green all purpose potting mix with time release fertilizer (0.13-0.04-0.09)
As far as nutes go, I only have Miracle-gro all purpose (24-8-16) and schultz plant food plus concentrate (10-15-10). I've added a little miracle grow to one watering, and I water usually every other day, or when the soil is dry a finger length down.

So here are all of my questions (props to anyone who gets them all!)
1. Which lights do you think I should be using for which plants? ideally the bigger pots will be the better ones (the other 2 plants were kinda an after thought)
2. What will yield more, 2 plants with 2 lights on each, or the current setup?
3. Seeing as how I rent and can't put any holes in the wall or door, and need to keep it relatively discreet, any ideas for odor control? My temp is usually at about 86-88 by the base of the plants, so it doesn't seem like I need a lot of temp control...
4. When I can, I put an oscillating fan on them from outside the closet. Is the strength benefit greater than the possibly of blowing bad things on them? (I recently cleaned the whole fan). We are a cig smoking household, but it all takes place in a ventilated room separate from the plants.
5. I want to Co2 enrich the plants, could this be accomplished by simply placing a block of dry ice on the grow floor? Or maybe slightly raised so it pools in the shallow of the pots? Does a regular old yeast+sugar combo raise any bacterial problems?Now using a yeast+sugar setup that seems to ROCK!
6. What is the earliest these can start flowering? I'm not looking for a huge yield just a successful grow,low odor and small enough plants to fit my grow area. Is there any way to tell by counting how many nodes/leaves? Height? Plain old age?
7.Would I benefit significantly by reintroducing the straight flouro gro lamp?I only have one left, of the walmart "grow light" variety . I have put this lamp back in for side growth.
8.I have an additional plant in there with no directly overhead light, just kinda seeing what happens. Can it do any harm (other than pollination if male)?Turns out I liked that plant (an indica) better than one in a larger pot, have transplanted and am down to 4 now.
9. Seeing as how my budget wont allow for any more goodies, what would be the best way to fertilize?Molasses anyone? Everything seems to be going swell with my nutes so far.
10. Am I over thinking all of this?:confused:

My temp ranges from 86-92 tops. My co2 system makes me inclined to make my exhaust fan (my only fan) on 1 hr, off 30 mins.Humidity ranges from 30%-40%


Active Member
My hot new setup. Added another 23w CFL @ 6000k in the middle for side growth, and moved my 18" T8 grow light to the door for nice vertical light spread.
Also, the one thats all bendy I tried LST but decided against it, so I'm letting it grow vertical again (if it pleases)



Well-Known Member
Everything looks good too me. It looks like they are stretching quite a bit. How close do you have those cfls? They should be about 1-2 inches away. Also do you have any ventilation? A fan blowing on the plants will help strengthen the stalks. Keep on growing!:joint:


Active Member
i would say if you can, get a socket splitter, and if you can fit in those hoods, put 2 bulbs in each one and see if you can fit maybe 2 42w 6700 CFL's in there or, try maybe 1 42w 6700 and maybe a 19 or a 30w 2700k cfl under each hood. that way you have both spectrums!


Well-Known Member
for veg u should get 65k and for flowering 27k and also for flowering the more lights the bigger the yield and they do look a lil streched and from wut i can tell they already have nute burn from the m/g