First time hydro grow. Please help. Moisture problem?

HyDro Guy

Active Member
I started these plants from seed on Jan. 24th and from what I have seen they are quite short for their time and now the leaves on some are beginning to curl down. :wall: Both strains are Indica(Bubblicious and Super Skunk) and from what I read they both tend to be short plants. I read Uncle Ben's thread on moisture stress and I think I have been overwatering(15min./2hrs) so this morning I cut back to 15min./3hrs and lowered my humidity from 70% to 50%. I am using Flora Nova nutes at 1/2 what is recommended for seedlings. Problem is I won't have a PPM meter for a couple days and I seem to lose about 1 gallon water /day due to evaporation and my PPM's may be rising too much. Not sure. Also, I am using T5 Fluoro Ott lights and my temperature stays at 80 degrees day and night. Reservoir temp is between 60 and 70. Also, some plants have weak stems and they have to be propped up so I turned my fan back on to strengthen them. Please take a look at my pics and tell me what you think. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


HyDro Guy

Active Member
Why can't I get a response. I hope it's not the red and blue eyes. I got this pic from a Bipolar myspace page called through Bipolar eyes and thought it would be cool to use since I am a Biploar 1 patient. Please check out my pics and tell me what you think. Too much nutes, too much water, humidity? Just to say hi, anything.