First Time Growing in New England


Active Member
I planning on growing the first time this summer outdoors near a pond. there is a pond and then around 10 aches of woods surrounding it and i plan to grow it somewhere in the woods that is open to sunlight. Any suggestions for what to grow i dont want a tall plant but more of a smaller one. Also i know there are deer in the area is there a threat they may eat the plant. Last how many times a day should i water it.


New Member
your biggest fear is from rabbits, they love the leafs, i have tried this before and it did not work also the weather is shite for it, always people walking dogs etc, i mean do you think your the only one to find that wee spot, its amazing where people go with a dog, hi from scotland dude.


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is true, I read that they are using a certain type of turtle with gps and camera's attached that actually live weed plants and sniff them out. Do a search on "Turtle finds Marijuana" and you'll see what I mean! There is no way in hell I would grow outside these days, at least where I live anyway.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I am also from New England and I can say there are places where no one ever goes. I plan on doing some outdoor grows this summer and can't wait. If you want to find out if anyone come through the area you want to grow in there are a few way to find out. I have read about people leaving dollar bills in easy to see locations around the area you want to grow in. If any are gone then people come through there. I also read about leaving small airline size liquor bottles on branches. they would be taken also. As far as the watering, you should be able to just leave them alone and let mother nature water them. They were here before they had us to water them. Try not to go all the time. It makes signs for people to follow the tracks. I plan on planting then going back in a few weeks, then a few more, kill males, then not untill harvest. Also Piss in a jug and dump it all around your plants. Some animals dont like the smell. I may even put a small net fence around them to keep the varmints out. Try it out. Whats the worst that can happen? Oh yeah, prison.