First Grow. Bagseed.


Active Member
Someone had the idea to start up a grow journal last night. Figured I'd get on it, keep me busy I guess, hah.

Some basics..

3 25 watt CFLS, around 5000 lumens. I may Put Y fixtures in there, but I don't think it will be needed for one plant. Is 5k lumens good for 12/12, once I go to it?
One plant, female or male? Not sure! If it's male I'll seed it out..
Miracle Grow 20-20-20
Superthrive, few drops per gallon.
4 weeks + old. Not exactly sure.
Temps around 90!! Ahhh! Still working on it.
My brother is good with fish tanks so I had him hook me up with 6.5 water.


I have yet to see pictures of this kind of training, so I figured I'd give you guys a journal on it.

Space is a problem so I decided to go with this.

I'm attaching pictures of their current state. Just taken. I did start kind of late so it isn't really bent over, just sideways. I'm using hanger clippings to hold it down. Seems to work fine. The LST isn't exactly evident, but it's there. There are two hanger clippings holding onto it, and I have the lights up kind of far so I can hope for a LITTLE stretching so I can get it tied around.

Forgot a pic, whoops! Heres some extra growth I've documented..

I'm also working on getting a fan in there. I think I may just snip some wires going into the light and set-up a parallel, something my brother said. I'm not to good with electronics, but he is! :D


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Active Member two of the journal.

After school, I walked into my closet as usual and checked on the plants. I'm worried about heat because it's covered up almost 6 hours a day with lights on. Bleh. Anyways, I noticed the current growing leaf sort of exploded, it got big overnight/day! (as you can see from the picture in the last post)

I am also excited to hear that my brother knows someone who sells seed at a college he goes to to party. And he said he'd cut me a deal. He said he knows he sells some White Widow, and some other good strains. I'm expecting 5 strains with 2 or so feminized seeds each. YEAH!

I also clipped it down with another hanger clipping, making the total three.


Noticed a burnt leaf from a while ago. Clipped off. I feel bad when cutting off a leaf. It's sad. *silent weep*

Went to growstore and got 10x pH test. 6.5! Score!

Pictures are attached.

First, is the newest top leaf growing. Grew at least two times itself overnight. I must be doing something right ;-)

Second, is showing the holding down with hanger clippings. For serious, I *recommend this.

Third is showing, again, the holding down. Also branching, which I am very excited about lolz.


***Interested in this type of LST? Heres a link on rollitups own GrowFaq!


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Active Member
Day Three Journaling

Getting a few comments though people? Wouldn't mind some. I'll take questions, comments, anything :P

Got home from school today, uncovered, hot as usual but not as bad. Leaves have gotten bigger, branching is more apparent. I love it :-)

I hooked up two fans to a celly charger, all 12v. Just need a damned extension cord ;)

No watering today. Heavily watered yesterday, Thursday is next watering time.

Pictures of the fans attached. Yeah, they are dusty :S Thats what you get for leaving a computer out on the back porch for two years..they are nice and clean now.



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Well-Known Member
Looks good. I'm doing the same thing, with three plants. Swing by and check out my grow if you'd like.