First Day of College


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is my first day of college and I'm not gonna lie, I am nervous as hell. Anyone have any helpful last minute tips to survive the school day?

Dirty Kid


Well-Known Member
its the first day I don't know about where your going by my first day was a breeze day not a lot of "teaching" per say more of the course outline and meet and great with the professors my advice to you is to smoke a nice one on the way in and relax man its the same thing as high school sort of but with better evenings :) youll be fine


Well-Known Member
well in the case of being dry day 1 is a great time to make some new friends lol just looks for the people standing in a circle red eyed and walk over and strike up a conversation lol but all in all relax thhe next few years of your life should be among the best