Feelin' Groovy....


Well-Known Member
Day 5 of no morph....doc was surprised but understood why...apparently there's a couple of people up here doing that have been coming off this crap for about as long....I will never look at a drug addict the same, as I totally understand how difficult that road is. But I have some good peeps here to keep me laughing so I will prevail...3-6 months it should be just about over. Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
Day 5 of no morph....doc was surprised but understood why...apparently there's a couple of people up here doing that have been coming off this crap for about as long....I will never look at a drug addict the same, as I totally understand how difficult that road is. But I have some good peeps here to keep me laughing so I will prevail...3-6 months it should be just about over. Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
..I will never look at a drug addict the same, as I totally understand how difficult that road is

I've always felt sorry for the addicts and homeless, I never believed it was all their own fault for what happen to them. That they must have been victimized in the past to get where they were at now. Many people look down on them and think its all their fault, they never stop and think how they might have gotten that way.

Who knows, maybe once they were working very hard and maybe got injured on the job, they wanted to keep on working so they used pain meds to mask the pain away but then their bodies just gave out on them and they could no longer work and lost their job. That in turn caused them to become homeless and become sick, so then they turned to harder drugs.

Another way is being mugged, raped, shot--somehow injured, that caused them to lose their job and become hook on pain meds

And maybe even they never really had a job but then they never were raised right while growing up. They never had loving parents/family to help them or to show good examples to them.

Even Mike Tyson I feel some what sorry for, he had a very hard life growing up without a father. It wasn't his fault he grew up in a ghetto in NY, maybe if he would have been one of Obama's children, he would have turned out far different.

Well I'm getting way off topic, good luck getting off the junk. I knew people that had to come clean while in jail, that is no fun what so ever I bet, least you got a soft bed to lay down on. Yeah it still sucks but it could be worst.

The less meds U take, the quicker U get totally clean. The more U suffer now, the quicker U become clean later on. I never went through it so i can't totally relate but I have been hook on codeine in the past ..I ve been told its nothing like hard drugs but it took me months to get off them and then another month or so to feel just fine without them. I will now never take them, not even those 222's..not when I got an unlimited supply of weed. There is times I don't feel so great but I just try to get through it without popping any pills. I learned its better to suffer a short amount of time right now then to try to not to suffer and then be hooked on drugs so U don't suffer...if that makes any sense, lol

Now yeah, weed is also a drug but I don't feel under the influence very often and I come off feeling clean and I can go cold turkey without any weed and while I might miss the weed, I don't suffer any withdraw. I would loved to be 100% drug free but I found weed lets me feel better, so while I'm not drug free, i use only one drug, and that is only weed. No booze, no pills, no nothing but some weed now and then.

Good luck again, stay strong and you get stronger as time goes on.
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