ez drying

john q. public

Active Member
newbee here... at least on this site... thought i would share my super simple drying method....

once you harvest.. i hang the plants for a day or 2 (this makes removing the large fan leaves easiest), then i remove all of the large unwanted leaves, and break the plant down to buds...

then i take a phone book, rip out the pages, and place them in a preheated oven (350F) for about 5-8 minutes. dont stack or overlay the pages (BTW i have an electric oven)... do this on the top rack... you can tell when the pages are getting really dry... you dont wanna burn/char them...

wrap the buds up in the paper after its cooled.... think giant doobie.... and then i place the rolled up papers in a small cardboard box.... wait about 5-7 days, and repeat....

after the 2nd time, your buds should be perfect....

i have used this method for about a solid year now... it takes care of the 5 phone books i get every year, and is quick and reliable... the smoke tastes great (be sure to dispose of the paper before you smoke the buds;)).... and you can further cure them with the glass jar, but i dont really find it necessary....

anyways, i hope this helps someone....



Well-Known Member
Have you ever tried traditional drying methods? From what I understand your vapoing some of the THC off the buds in that oven. My buds NEVER hit temps over 90 after I pick em. Think cold brewed....lol

But seriously man, iv had oven bud, its awful.

john q. public

Active Member
i may not have been clear, i apologize for that.... you place the paper in the oven, when it gets kinda wrinkly, its really dry... then you take the paper out, and then wrap the budz.... the bud should never go in the oven...

it really keeps the stink down, and requires a minimal amount of space for drying... an entire harvest will fit inside a box from newegg that once contained a new hdd...

i have a 4yr old son, and keeping everything a secret is important to me, but so is having good dry bud...


Well-Known Member
Ah so you heat the paper and you heated dry paper to wrap around and help dry the buds. Sorry my B