Extreme Q Vape. Review and usage Tips


Well-Known Member
I recently purchased the Extreme Q vape, and its the first vape I have ever bought. I have been using it for a little over a month now, and here is what I have to say about it, also if you reply, please let me know what temp you vape at, as I have found some interesting things at different tempatures and I would like to compare to what I like to what everyone else likes.

First off, I purchased this vaporizor mainly to keep the smell down out of my house. I smoke ALOT, and I smoke all day long so it really stinks up the house. So the extreme q probably kills 90% of the smell to me, and what little smell does come out smells completely different and is gone within a few minutes. I have literally killed 3 or 4 bags full, then had someone come over 10 min later, and they couldnt even tell at all that I had been "smoking". This is AWESOME. Its nice to not have to ever worry about the smell, afterall you never know who could be ringing that doorbell.

I recently just got out of the military and just started smoking again. As I mentioned I smoke pretty much every hour, so it was KILLING my throat and lungs. With the vape it is sooo smooth and although I still get huge hits and cough sometiems, its not that burning lasting nasty feeling in your throat and lungs. So the Extreme Q works great in that area too.

Tempature.. Now I have been using it for about a month now, and I can tell you what I have found out. Also I would like a little advice and feedback on this subject as I have heard so many things about the different temps. Ok so for me, I started in the mid 300's, and I notice that there is very very little vapor, but I do taste some. I have to do several bags to even feel it at this range.. Then I bumped it up to the 380-390 range and I found that this range works fairly well. It usually takes one full bag to get it really going at this range, and the 3rd-5th bags are the BEST, nice and thick but not too harsh...
Ok so what I have been experimenting with lately is the higher ranges. I LOVE THE 420-430 range! Now I have heard that the plant material burns in this range, but I dont notice AT ALL. So maybe I am wrong in this thought?? I mean after all there are presets on this vape for this range. I get nice thick vapor in every bag in this range, and I have found that one bowl will last me literaly like 20 bags. Its almost like it just keeps going and going and going. I probably use 1/3rd the weed I used before in a given week. I also feel that this range vapes more of the CBD as well, as in this range for me, the high completely changes from a more cerebrel high to a full high where you feel the cbd as well. I am smoking some really fine Sour D by the way, which is sativa dominate. I feel at this higher range you really feel the cbd more as you feel the body stone MUCH more than the lower temps. The lower temps to me almost feel like its pure cerebrel. Strange how this works.

Taste: Now the taste is REALLY hard to get used to. I have heard some people say that vaping is the only way to get the "true" flavor from the weed. I TOTALLY DISAGREE. In my experience it tastes like SHIT. big time. It took me a while to get used to the taste. I have also tried sour d, an OG kush, and headband, and all three taste EXACTLY THE SAME, even though smoking them traditionally I get distinct flavors. This is my biggest draw back to the vape, and I would like to know if anyone else experiences that as well?

Anyways I know this isnt the traditional review, just wanted to share my experiences with this vaporizer and get some feed back as a community on what temps to vape at and why.



Well-Known Member
OH, I guess I should say that overall I LOVE this vaporizer. Its really made of quality materials, and I got it for right at 200 bucks I think, if not less, on amazon. I still love to smoke from time to time, as for me theres nothing better than some top shelf smoke rolled in a nice fat joint. Smoking a joint in itself is relaxing to me, so I will always go back from time to time to traditional smoking. But for a chronic smoker, or a patient who doesnt like smoke at all, this is the way to go for the majority of your usage. Its smooth, cool, and works fast. You dont get that burning sinsation in your throat and chest, and you certainly (atleast I havnt yet) dont cough your lungs out. Sometimes a huge rip on the bong makes me cough so fucking hard that It almost ruins the high because of that sensation thats left in your throat and lungs. Even If I inhale too much vapor and start to cough, its very little, and the burning sensation doesnt last at all.
Since its the only vape I have ever used I really have nothing to compare by, but overall satisfaction and value to me is like a 9.5. I love it.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I also have an Ex-Q...my findings...maybe a fad. I do not use a bag or I might have spent a lot more on a Volcano, but after compaing the 2 if you're going to buy one the Ez-Q would be the one.

I also found plant material burned above 410...aside from that if you don't burn it, you'll taste the bud much better. It took me a while to get the temp dialed in.
The dual filter application is also a plus. I clean the unit completely after each use and it's nice to start fresh each time.

Now the real criticism...it's more work getting high with a vape. I also don't think I get as high with a vape as I do with a J or bong.

I bought the Volcano carrying case and keep all my "stuff" in there. So there you are...straight from another Q owner.


Active Member
I also have an Ex-Q...my findings...maybe a fad. I do not use a bag or I might have spent a lot more on a Volcano, but after compaing the 2 if you're going to buy one the Ez-Q would be the one.

I also found plant material burned above 410...aside from that if you don't burn it, you'll taste the bud much better. It took me a while to get the temp dialed in.
The dual filter application is also a plus. I clean the unit completely after each use and it's nice to start fresh each time.

Now the real criticism...it's more work getting high with a vape. I also don't think I get as high with a vape as I do with a J or bong.

I bought the Volcano carrying case and keep all my "stuff" in there. So there you are...straight from another Q owner.
The vape doesn't get you as high? That is quite different from my experience. Then again I've only ever used a little $80 digital vape, but it got us all very medicated lOl.


Well-Known Member
I totally see what your saying about not getting as high, however to me I think its more of the fact that It just feels a little different. It kinda comes on slower and smoother to me. When I was using the 350-390 temps, I felt like I had to do alot of work to get high, since it would take me alone 2-3 bags to really start feeling good. I now only vape in the 400's as I find it really gets me alot higher, closer to traditional smoking, but like you said not quite the same. Thats another reason I will always still smoke, but for daily toking I love the vape. But if I am going to just get fucked up then yeah I am loading the bong or rolling one.


Well-Known Member
Another Extreme q owner here, I usually vape at 372 for first bag, bump it up to 390 afterwards and keep it around there untill there is no vapor. Also i found i had to replace/clean the screen that is on the bottom of the elbow piece quite often, so i just removed it. Some plant matter does now pass through, but not into the actual bag itself and now it is much easier to clean. My bags also fill alot faster now which i always thought was a con of this vape, although this is avoidable by keeping your smoking utensils clean.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Another Extreme q owner here, I usually vape at 372 for first bag, bump it up to 390 afterwards and keep it around there untill there is no vapor. Also i found i had to replace/clean the screen that is on the bottom of the elbow piece quite often, so i just removed it. Some plant matter does now pass through, but not into the actual bag itself and now it is much easier to clean. My bags also fill alot faster now which i always thought was a con of this vape, although this is avoidable by keeping your smoking utensils clean.
I don't use the bag and cleaning after each use is a good habit...I keep mine in gnu condx after each use.