Easy Lighting Question


Active Member
Hey Guys, I'm starting to expand my grow closet. I'm now using the whole entire thing and switching to a hydro system.

The measurements are 58'' X 22'' (Inches) About 9 feet tall. How much light do you think I have to have? I was thinking that a 400 watt HPS would be fine but do you think 600 watt would be better? (I mean of course it would, but as far as keeping a steady temp and etc. I don't have much ventilation but I do try to leave my closet open during the day and I try to crack the window for about an hour a day when I can.

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest the 400w. It will cover the amount of space you need, while not emitting as much heat as the 600. It's your call though, the 600 would penetrate better, so....