Early vs. Late Harvest?


Active Member
How is your spider mite problem? I often wonder what we should do if our crop is ready for harvest but has a spider mite infestation? What did you do?


Active Member
Its garbage. All the leaves died stressing the plant too much so that it didn't produce anything work harvesting. I sprayed it with a soap/water solution which really hurt the plant.

But if you do have some good bud that has spider mites you can water cure it. Which is a really good method even if you don't have spider mites. It cleans the bud of ferts, dirt, bugs, chlorophyl etc. and once you dry it, it only takes a week or so. I don't have any experience with it because my bud has some seeds that will prolly rot in water, which sucks.(N)


Active Member
Unless you have tried everything else possible(even just saying fuck it and smoking it with a few spider mites) do NOT water cure your weed. It produces the absolute most unpleasant smoke possible and pretty much destroys what would be otherwise good tasting potent weed. Whether you like it or not if you've bought weed in your lifetime you have smoked lots and lots of spidermites. Not everyone is growing for personal use so do you think if a grower who is just growing to sell it is going to throw out big heavy buds because of a few black dots? Nope he will sell it people will smoke it and maybe 1 out of a 100 would notice the black spots on the leaves.


Active Member
fewer than 1 in 100.. 80% of people that smoke bud "get high" and dont realize why it happens let alone what spidermites even are. just sell it obviously