dumb lighting question


Active Member
SO i went to home depot today to get the high powered sodium lights and it says i needed a specific ballast, any views on this because in the pictures that i've seen of peoples rooms the hps looked nothing like this 70$ fixture the dude was trying to get me to buy. any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks :)


Well-Known Member
hard to help without pics or product details, but yes, you do need a specific ballast for a hps light.


Active Member
ha, yeah i figured, don't ever try to buy lights for a first tie grow stoned out of your mind, you'll spend an hour easily in the light aisle like i did. ahha.


Active Member
the one from home depot for $70 comes with the ballast i just bought it 2 days ago
all u have to do
is buy an extension cord
strip it
and re wire it so u can plug it into a wall outlet u';ll be good to go