drug test???


Active Member
ok so I have been smoking daily for about a year now, 5'7" 155lbs, and I stopped smoking for three weeks, then i smoked everyday for 1 week but only 2-3 rips of the bowl each day, I got an interview coming up, want to know how long you guys think it would take to be clean, Ive been drinking green tea like crazy, working out an hour a day, and drinking alot of water. (does green tea work)

main question:

How long til im clean? estimate


Active Member
If depends on the test.
Lab tested Urine, it will be at least 28 days before a clean test can be expected.
On the spot test cards, 2 weeks clean may do it, it depends on your body.
Buy test cards off the internet and test yourself to find out how your metabolism works and how long it takes you to be clean (you've got to be willing to stay clean for a while) I have discovered that after evening smoking of 1 bowl per night for a period of 30 days or over, that it takes me about 3 week to pass my own test card test, two weeks if I slam large amounts of water down constantly 4 hours before and up to the time I tested myself. This is always useful information that is well worth the money, if testing is a concern and a positive can have catastrophic consequences to you and your families livelihood.
Huge amounts of water just before testing may help (Dilution is the solution)
If you know when you are being tested and don't think you will be clean and nobody's going to be looking over your shoulder or staring at your crouch, I would buy clean urine off the internet.
There are a lot of snake oil salesmen out there and I have't found a test clean product yet that works as advertised other than clean synthetic urine.
Again, buy your own test kits and find out where you're at.
Good Luck, I know testing can be a very anxious time.


Active Member
So i've been smokin everyday for the pst few months, i have a physical comming up in 28 days which includes a lab tested urine analysis...Im a skinny guy, weigh about 130, i work out about evryday and i take creatine and drink lots of water....how long do you think until im clean???