Download vs the real deal.


Well-Known Member
Everywhere i turn everybody is downloading everything,books,movies,music ect,in most cases the guy's say they cant afford to spend $20 on the real thing :roll:,what got me to write this thread was seeing Gk's buds for less book being reccomended to get for free on a torrent,for the 2nd time no less.

I cant see myself having all my books stored in the computer,movies on burned cheap discs or my music on a memory stick with shitty playback,maybe im just old fashioned but just picking shit off the internet on a whim seems to take the fun out of it for me,i like holding a book in my hands,i enjoy cleaning a record then placing the needle on it & hearing it play,i enjoy looking through my video library for a title,then opening up the case & inserting it in the player.

Does anybody else take pride in owning the real thing anymore ?


Well-Known Member
I can't download a book online,i like actually owning it

But as far as movies and thing's like that i watch online all the time
[though i go to the theater....way to often ><]

It's nice to just relax and watch stuff online sometimes.

and music..heh..i don't think i've bought an cd since i was like 12
downloadings just makes things alot more simple
and cheap


Well-Known Member
i like my books physical/tangible until i get a color laserjet. i hate reading mass amounts of info online.....but i will dload it until i go buy it.

as far as movies and music....hell yea i went digital. i only dload 300 bitrate shit. and the movies i dont even fuck with unless they are at least dvd quality!


Well-Known Member
I download certain reference books, things I want to learn out of, not enjoy reading, but for books I want to enjoy or read a lot of, there's nothing like a real book. As for music though, 192kpbs mp3's off of gnutella sound just fine to me.


Well-Known Member
downloading music is great and watching movies online but books? no way i like to flop down on my futon and read and you can't do that with a computer. Peace.


Well-Known Member
It's actually better on your eyes to read print from a book rather than a lit screen. But.....I have ADD and a book won't let you have 12 windows open at a time!


Well-Known Member
Everywhere i turn everybody is downloading everything,books,movies,music ect,in most cases the guy's say they cant afford to spend $20 on the real thing :roll:,what got me to write this thread was seeing Gk's buds for less book being reccomended to get for free on a torrent,for the 2nd time no less.

I cant see myself having all my books stored in the computer,movies on burned cheap discs or my music on a memory stick with shitty playback,maybe im just old fashioned but just picking shit off the internet on a whim seems to take the fun out of it for me,i like holding a book in my hands,i enjoy cleaning a record then placing the needle on it & hearing it play,i enjoy looking through my video library for a title,then opening up the case & inserting it in the player.

Does anybody else take pride in owning the real thing anymore ?
with regaurds to Gk's book, I would buy it if the damn stores near my house carried it, went to barnes&noble and borders they had all sorts of other growing books but not that one, thers no way I'm requesting or ordering something like that. too paranoid!

I DL movies and games mostly, and even after i burn my dad a copy he runs out and spends $20. on the movie the day its released.

and well most of the games I DL are import or rare and hard to find.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to have the real thing as well for everything except music, and thats just because theres so much over produced crap out there these days that theres no point in buyin a whole album. However, when I do find a gem I'll go out and buy it to support the artist...usually on vinyl too!


Well-Known Member
I prefer to have the real thing as well for everything except music, and thats just because theres so much over produced crap out there these days that theres no point in buyin a whole album. However, when I do find a gem I'll go out and buy it to support the artist...usually on vinyl too!
I would agree about new music,ive gave up entirely on buying new music,its not worth $15 to me for one song.

It's a good thing i have a wide range of taste in music,im to the point now that its very hard for me to find an album i like thats not allready in my collections.