Dogs and edibles

What's up guys, I found a wrapper of a bhang medical cannabis chocolate bar and think one of my dogs MAY have gotten into it. Anything I should be worried about (besides) the chocolate and any symptoms I should look for as well ass tips or advice or any general information on the topic. Much appreciated!


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What's up guys, I found a wrapper of a bhang medical cannabis chocolate bar and think one of my dogs MAY have gotten into it. Anything I should be worried about (besides) the chocolate and any symptoms I should look for as well ass tips or advice or any general information on the topic. Much appreciated!
Watch the dog. Cannabis won't hurt a dog but that chocolate can. Some dogs can get scared but mine just flops on his side asleep after hoovering up anything/everything he can eat. Actually I'm wondering if mine was partly to blame over Rodan's falling into her NFT tube. My dog has a nasty habit of eating branches off the plants. So I have to be very careful with him around the grow.
So every VET I called wanted me to take him in but they couldn't give me a straight answer why. I found out they would pump his stomach is the medication had been ingested within the hour but it was way too late for that. If they can't pump the stomach they hook them up to I.V and give the, a little glucose maybe.. Then charge you a million dollars. I let him sleep it off for about 15hrs checking for tremors and dialated pupils/responsiveness to light every so often. He's starting to come around and looking a lot better.
The vet, or girl wearing scrubs sitting up front, gave me some bs saying marijuana was toxic to dogs, which confused me because my dog didn't eat any marijuana he ingested an amount of delta 9 THC? She also said dogs neuro receptors don't received cannibinoids, bs, and then they get a build up from not being able to process it. Whoa whoa whoa, aren't symptoms of being "medicated" proof that the chemical element is being "processed"??? I then asked why THC build up would kill an animal, let alone another mammal, and she had no clear clean cut answer. I did my research and even called the ASPCA poison control center and found NO supporting evidence that THC is toxic to any animal, or that it even has fatal qualities.

Chubzi is now happily laying down, slightly stoned look, and and little shook up and woozy.. But still fine and happy. Sounds sort of like myself after a couple sticks of the bhang bar :D


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My chihuuhuhuhuahhuhauha (shown to the left) has very itchy skin and we have spent $$ on the vets idea of what is wrong. (have had 3 tests skin scrapping etc) The little girl grabbed up a accidentally fallen piece of edible and she went to sleep right after that.
She took a piece no larger then a marble or so and I have given her a WAY smaller piece of other stuff to calm her itchyness it works and I dont have to give her it more then 1-2 a week if that.

Dogs are not going to FEEL like we do and really need to be careful to dose your dog-cant kill them but it can make them sick


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My Boston loves his brownies, happiest little guy. I just have to be careful If he knows they are out he goes just crazy trying to get his. It's blood shot eyes and plenty of spunky play, then it's nap time for him. I've honestly never seen him get as excited about anything else.


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Yeah I have a mutt-husky who always stands near by when I smoke my hash. Had to show the wifey that one..
He really has little to no reaction other then a sneeze or 2.. then he lays in the sun.. but he does that 99% of the day anyhow.


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My room mate had a pit bull that got into the compost pile and eat almost a pound of left over trim from making butter. He was blasted for two days. After that you couldn't leave any bud out and the grow room door had to be locked because he would push his way in to get his daily munchies.


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It's not a big deal. Chocolate is bad for dogs, pot isn't a big deal. I used it to take care of one of Berners incurable osteogenic sarcomas.


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Things bad for dogs: Chocolate, onions, grapes, garlic and a few others I can't recall right now. Cannabis *should* be ok in small doses, remember to dose according to size/weight ratio.
I'm no Veterinarian, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last week. :-o