Does Honey Oil Tincture actually have honey?


Well-Known Member
its made with butane.idk if theres is another way to make that is the only way i know.look it up on youtube.


Well-Known Member
I have seen honey oil that has been made with iso, i have never even tried iso so dont ask me how haha but it was amazing oil. it was a super bright yellow, but still transparent.

Bodhi Diesel

Active Member
The thread title is a little ambiguous. I regularly purchase a Cannabis tincture that is flavored with honey.

The "I" signifies an Indica based tincture.



Well-Known Member
... we are talking about honey OIL. i hope you are super stoned aswell.
Lol i believe hes talking about tinctures.
Ya know the ones they make with alcohol and glycerin ;)
Yes the Honey Tinctures do have honey in them as well as glycerin . As i make them and distribute to a couple dispensary around my area.