Do these look alright


Cheese Head
I know its a crappy camera phone but this is my first time and I was wondering if you guys thought they looked healthy? Its been about 2 weeks since I put the seed in the cups. please comment. I know you cant really tell if there female until there older but I didn't know if you pros could tell before I could see pistils.



Well-Known Member
I know its a crappy camera phone but this is my first time and I was wondering if you guys thought they looked healthy? Its been about 2 weeks since I put the seed in the cups. please comment.]
so that's about a 5 or 6 day old seedling - looks healthy and nice and green to me.

so far, so good!


Cheese Head
thanx guys!! ok I just put this light up I found in my garage there are 4 different bulbs in there figured it my help with different spectrum's. Do you think this would be better for them? Also I plan on getting a better light setup sometime but do you think this will grow decent for my first plants? here is the picture of the new light. I think the ballast made my phone have crazy electrical interference but here it is. Oh and do you think they are all females?


Well-Known Member
way too early to determine sex.

i doubt those lights will see you through to a harvest but i'm no expert.


Well-Known Member
i've never successfully grown using just florescent lighting but this is kind of a hot topic with much debate right now. Hopefully others that have had success with this kind of lighting can help you out.

i wouldn't give up just yet. you may find you just need different bulbs or a couple more lights.


Well-Known Member
There are some that use cfls all the way though veg and flower, i for one am 4 weeks into flower, and i will be switching to hps 1000w, however, there are many and i mean many that have grew with cfl all the way and had some BEAUTIFUL result. The good thing about cfls is that they are cheap and you can slowly build up wattage with out dropping $200-$400 all in one swoop. So, start out with them if you change you mind, change them, if not just remember to use multi spect or warm white for flower (red) and cool white for veg (blue). But look up some post and see for yourself.

Good growing, keep us posted!!


Cheese Head
well just say i use CFL's instead of the HPS right now. Well as you can see in the picks im not using compact fluorescent lights. should I just go ahead and make my own light setup using cfl's or continue using the 4 ft fluorescent bulbs? Which would work better?


Cheese Head
well i germinated them in paper towels for a 4 days then put them in the dirt for the last 10 days maybe im doing something wrong :roll: should i leave the lights on for 24/7?


Well-Known Member
I just am using CFL's and getting good results Homboldt has done the same and had great crop outcomes.


Well-Known Member
well just for you to consider i am growing 600hps to veg and bud because these lights were a free gift. This is what my seedling look like now at 14 days. The others just broke soil this morning. I think it is worth it to invest even in a 250hps for budding just to get that density we all like to see. They look good, greener than mine i think, i have a real prob with that. Look foward to seeing how things go, best wishes

