Do I need to get special soil?


Active Member

Do i need to get special soil...? I plan to just germinate and take the seeds into a forest area, and then toss around the soil a bit with a spade and plant them. I'll water every so often. is this enough?

I know it's recommended, but let's assume that, for whatever reason, it's impossible for me to get topsoil and nutrients. Is it worth going without? Can i still grow some shitty mids?

I mean, marijuana is a natural weed. It naturally grows without human intervention. So this is an OK plan, right?



Well-Known Member
there is no such thing as "shitty mids seeds". the way the plant is taken care of and pollination of males makes it schmiddies


Well-Known Member
If you find an area with the right soil you might get away with it. But you will get an exponentially better crop if you use nutrients and dig a hole with soil/fert mixed in etc.
Here are the basics about growing,
You will need to use dolomite lime at the rate of 1 tablespoon per gallon, this is extremely important. At the very least just dig a hole throw a small handful in and mix it in if nothing else...
There is too much to go over just read up everything you need to know is here.


Well-Known Member
Finding the perfect Location to grow is probably the most important thing to start with. Remember that no place is 100% safe. There will always be a risk to get caught here.... The best place will always be your own BackGarden. No Garden, then you'll need to look hard for the best spot. Good locations are areas near rivers and streams and grasslands that have small trees and bushes.
Growers have also been known to plant in buckets / Containers in more rocky or mountainous terrain. This enables them to grow in areas that receive good sunlight but have rocky, untillable soil. The most important criteria for an excellent growing site are good soil, available water, sunlight, and suitable cover. Remember that good soil is sometimes hard to find but without it you won't get much Yield in the End

Soil is often the richest in areas where grassland vegetation has existed for a series of years. Grasslands recycle nutrients in the soil and form a thick layer of organic matter Grassland require very little preparation to start growing, while other soil conditions require more work. If all this is not available for you than you should consider container planting.

Planting: Plant the seeds about one half inch deep, If you setup small sites 3ft x 3ft square, put in three rows with a seed every one and a half inches. Yes, there will be some crowding and this is one of the drawbacks of using many seeds in a small area. Also, figure around 50% of the plants are going to be male so you must return to the site to cut out the males toward the end of Summer. Once the males are removed from the site, the females get more light and aren't as crowded. I believe it is important to have small sites to avoid detection from the air. Starting seeds Inside is the best what you can do. It will give you much benefits, and it will also protect them from any late spring snow or frost.

Weeding: Remember, weeding doesn't mean destroying all vegetation , Three weeks after the plants or seeds are in the ground return to remove weeds Three weeks after the first weeding a second weeding should take place. By this time the plants will be large enough to compete with the weeds. But becarefull to take out weed close to the Marijuana plant You might damage the root system otherwise. Don't Forget that weeds can hide your crop and protect them to hungry animals. Nearby vegetation can also help keep water in the soil.


Well-Known Member
You can test the quality of your native soil by testing it with a soil test kit available at most garden shops.
It is possible to grow vigorous robust plants without adding anything if you have high quality native soil...a test will let you know where you stand. (Adding some dolomite lime is always a good idea no matter how good you soil is!)
You can also have your soil tested by your local agricultural extension office.
For a very small fee they will conduct a professional test of your soil if you send them a sample.
Cooperative Extension System Offices
Tell them you wish to grow prize winning tomatoes!

Depending on the strain the smell can be very strong, and it will go with the wind.
I am not aware of any means by which it can be controlled....?
Good Luck!


Active Member
thanks a lot. I'll def use the lime stuff and I'm going to grow indoors for a bit until they sprout and i will dig a hole + add soil to the transplanting spot.

this'll work... your help is much appreciated.

the only thing I'm worrying about is that it would be a 1/1,000,000 chance for someone to not see them.. the woods I'm using aren't that big, but their all i have to work with. whatever, I'll go as far off trail as possible.

hopefully if someone sees them they just won't notice its MJ or they just wont care. And i'll never be there when anyone else is. I'm not worried about getting caught, just someone else taking the plant/killing it/whatever.


Active Member
the only thing I'm worrying about is that it would be a 1/1,000,000 chance for someone to not see them..
doesn't sound like a good place to grow at all..... i'd hate to see you waste your time and effort for nothing....what about in sept/oct when there are still a lush green and stink to high hell.... just my opinion