DIY Drain/Fill Port for Totes, Tubs, etc.


Well-Known Member
I dropped this in a couple of threads and some thought it would be useful as a thread.

items needed:
1/2" pvc valve
3/4" grommet
1/2" pvc pipe pieces (parts to suit your needs)
screen or other filter for drain pipe

1" drill bit

drill the hole as close to the bottom as possible (on flat surface only). work grommet into hole. be sure to press inside of grommet to ensure contact with edge of hole. wet the tip of a 3-4 inch piece of pvc and carefully work through hole. wrap the outer tip with plumbers tape and insert into valve. use elbows and other parts on inside to get your tip low (if you are using an in-line pump to draw fluids out), and to fashion an appropriate exit from the valve to suit your needs. i made a hose to connect to an in-line pump using other nylon parts from the hardware store. blessings!

