didnt germinate...


Active Member
I am soo new at growing.... so I really didnt look in on how all I should start growing so i just... got the seeds soaked them in a wet paper towel for about a hour and just planted them in potting soil(That isnt really all the right way... just going on what all i have read on different sites).. I have lights and just put them in a pot in a cooler and placed the lights up above them... they have been in the soil for about 2 days now and im just waiting on the plant to pop up whenever it does... I know what im doing works because my brother did the same thing and he had great plants grow.:wall: i just need some extra tips. please let me know some tips on what all i need to do... i have been watering them and everything im just totally new and need some info please anyone let me know.


Well-Known Member
real simple. Soak them for about 24 hour in a glass of water. Don't exceed 24 hours or you'll risk drowning the seeds. Next, put them between two damp paper towels and put that on a plate. Put a bowl over the plate and stick it somewhere dark and warm. The next day check your seeds and they should be sprouted. Plant them and wait a few more days and you're good to go.